Episode Title:
Fixing Frobo / Anne-sterminator.Episode Description:
Fixing Frobo: Despite being told not to, Polly tries to fix Frobo on her own and gets help from an internet duo named Ally and Jess (The IT Gals). She face chats with them and they give her the help she needs, but are concerned with her plans. When Anne, Hop Pop and Sprig find out what she is doing and reprimand her for it, Polly angrily activates Frobo and puts herself in danger... Anne-sterminator: Anne realizes that she needs to tell her parents the truth about what is happening. Meanwhile, King Andrias gives Cloak-Bot one hour to find her or the timer he activated will set off his self-destruct sequence. Cloak-Bot attacks the Boonchuys and Plantars who escape to a junk yard. During this time, Anne realizes that her mother had high expectations for her and she in turn is angered at her for lying. Anne tells her parents that she lied to protect them and the Plantars...