In the pilot episode, a team of Zero-X astronauts investigate the surface of Mars in 2068 after unidentified radio signals emanating from the planet are detected on Earth. The source is discovered to be an extraterrestrial base, which is attacked and destroyed when the explorers mistake a harmless sensor device for a weapon. The inhabitants of the settlement, the Mysterons, are sentient computers that form a collective consciousness. They are the remnants of the original Mysteron race, extraterrestrial life forms that originated in a galaxy other than the Milky Way and maintained their colony on Mars for 3,500 years before abandoning the planet at the turn of the 20th century. Possessing partial control over matter, the Mysteron computers draw on their power of "reversing matter" to rebuild the complex before vowing revenge for the unwarranted aggression. Reversing matter, also described as "retro-metabolism", allows the Mysterons to re-create the likeness of a person or object in the form of a facsimile that is under their control. This ability is used to conduct a "war of nerves" against Earth, in which the Mysterons issue threats against specific targets (from world leaders and military installations to whole cities and continents) and then destroy and reconstruct whatever instruments are required (whether human or machine) to execute their plans. The presence of the Mysterons is indicated by two circles of green light (the "Mysteron rings") that trail across scenes of destruction and reconstruction. Although the Mysterons are able to manipulate events from Mars, their actions on Earth are usually performed by their replicated intermediaries.
Genre; Action, Science Fiction
Language; Cartoon
- C
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 32 The Inquisition
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 31 Attack on Cloudbase
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 30 Flight to Atlantica
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 29 Traitor
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 28 Inferno
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 27 Codename Europa
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 26 The Launching
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 25 Expo 2068
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 24 Noose of Ice
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 23 Place of Angels
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 22 Flight 104
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 21 Treble Cross
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 20 Fire at Rig 15
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 19 Dangerous Rendezvous
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 18 Shadow of Fear
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 17 Crater 101
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 16 Renegade Rocket
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 15 Seek and Destroy
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 14 Model Spy
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 13 Point 783
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 12 Lunarville 7
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 11 The Heart of New York
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 10 Special Assignment
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 9 Spectrum Strikes Back
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 8 Operation Time
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 7 The Trap
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 6 White as Snow
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 5 Avalanche
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 4 Manhunt
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 3 Big Ben Strikes Again
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 2 Winged Assassin
- Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Episode 1 The Mysterons