A strange group of cultists have begun to gather a black mass in hopes of reviving an ancient devil lord known as Dante. Ryō Utsugi, a high school student, begins suffering strange dreams and premonitions. Soon after, Ryō's sister, Saori, is kidnapped by these cultists for use in their sacrificial ceremony in hopes of reawakening Dante. Ryō's premonitions guide him to the ceremony, and just before Saori is to be killed, the cultist's ceremony is disrupted by a force of holy men. This happens just in time for Ryō to save his sister from her fate.
Genre; Action, Horror, Science Fiction
Language; Dubbed
- D
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 13 English Dubbed
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 12 English Dubbed
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 11 English Dubbed
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 10 English Dubbed
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 9 English Dubbed
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 8 English Dubbed
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 7 English Dubbed
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 6 English Dubbed
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 5 English Dubbed
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 4 English Dubbed
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 3 English Dubbed
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 2 English Dubbed
- Demon Lord Dante Episode 1 English Dubbed