Based on a book series by Charles Ogden, lively animated series EDGAR & ELLEN revolves around the titular 12-year-old twins, whose primary mission in life is playing mischievous practical jokes (on each other as well as classmates and teachers) and putting the snooty residents of Nod's Limbs in their place. (Edgar and Ellen's adventures air as both an episodic cartoon series and longer specials.) Edgar and Ellen are voiced by Kathleen Barr and Jillian Michaels, respectively.
Genre; Animated television series, Children's television series, Comedy
Language; Cartoon
- E
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 26 The Battle of Nod's Limbs / Attack of the Invisible Pet / Nod's Libs' Public Access: Miles' Mild
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 25 Doomsday Parade / Flown for a Loop / Heimertz's Family Album: Belly of the Beast
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 24 Nod's Limbs Finest / Nuggets of Stupidity / The Secret Life of Pet: Hang Tendril
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 23 Signed, Sealed, Delivered / Study Time / Edgar's Satchel: Buzz Off
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 22 Suspect Inspection / Radio Free Nod's Limbs / Nod's Limbs' Public Access: Edgar's House of Whatcha
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 21 Viva La Trash / The Expert / Heimertz's Family Album: Something's Fishy
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 20 The Manners Marathon / Ellen's Secret Admirer / Ellen's Horrorscopes: Thanks for Muffin
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 19 When You Wish Upon a Well / Baby Talk / Nod's Limbs' Public Address: Pet-o-Matic
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 18 Parents' Night / Pet in Love / The All-Knowing Head of Poe: Sweet on You
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 17 Pranker's Block / The Barracuda Whisperer / The Secret Life of Pet: Dogfight
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 16 It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist / Long-Term Parking / Ellen's Horrorscopes: The New Look
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 15 Grownups Behaving Badly / The Eyes Have It / The Secret Life of Pet: Alien Abduction
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 14 The Amazing Edgarini / Wax Removal / The Secret Life of Pet: Hard-Boiled Pet
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 13 Little Stephanie Nightingale / Off the Deep End / Edgar's Satchel: Melon-Go-Round
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 12 Rare Birds Fiends / Prank Insurance / The All Knowing Head of Poe: Sisters
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 11 Prankster Wannabe / Satchel Bandits / Edgar's Satchel: Lepre-Conned
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 10 Twinvasion / Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty / Ellen's Horrorocopes: Feet of Fate
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 9 Bon Voyage, Stephanie / Prankly Speaking / The All Knowing Head of Poe: Star Crazy
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 8 Scam Artist Shuffle / Bob's Limbs / The Secret Life of Pet: Trip to Atlantis
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 7 To the Moon / A Midsummer's Nightmare / Heimertz's Family Album: The Mustache
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 6 For Art's Sake / The Game's Afootie / Heimertz's Family Album: His First Accordion
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 5 Commander in Stripes / Ellen vs. Slug / The All-Knowing Head of Poe: An Eggcellent Question
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 4 Picture Imperfect / Pasta Their Prime / Nod's Public Access: Stephanie's
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 3 Trickery Dickery Clock / Dr. Edgar and Dr. Ellen / The Secret Life of Pet: Viva Pet!
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 2 Gross Inspection / Bolty, The Friendly Robot / Ellen's Horrorscopes: Them Bones
- Edgar and Ellen Episode 1 It Came from the Sub-Basement / Beast of Show / Edgar's Satchel: Getting Antsy