Marty, an ordinary 11-year-old boy, suddenly becomes the human extension of the Fist of Eon, gaining amazing fighting powers. With the evil General's dark armies in pursuit of his newfound weapon, Marty has supernatural adventures and, along the way, meets two friends: Ally, a big target for the evil forces, and mysterious Gaff, who can help him understand his new powers and uncover secrets from the past.
- E
- Eon Kid Episode 24 To the Iron Tower! Charge!
- Eon Kid Episode 23 The Revolt of Kahn
- Eon Kid Episode 22 Eiger the Patient
- Eon Kid Episode 21 The General Awakes
- Eon Kid Episode 20 The White Monks
- Eon Kid Episode 19 To the Mystic Glacier
- Eon Kid Episode 18 Out of Control
- Eon Kid Episode 17 Nightmares
- Eon Kid Episode 16 Fall of the Tower
- Eon Kid Episode 15 Ally's Escape
- Eon Kid Episode 14 To the Iron Tower
- Eon Kid Episode 13 A Warrior is Born
- Eon Kid Episode 12 The 18 Woodenmen
- Eon Kid Episode 11 Confronting Fate
- Eon Kid Episode 10 The Maxes Attack
- Eon Kid Episode 9 Escape From the Orange Valley
- Eon Kid Episode 8 The Fight Goes On
- Eon Kid Episode 7 The Grand Wrestling Tournament
- Eon Kid Episode 6 Orange Mama
- Eon Kid Episode 5 Ally's Secret
- Eon Kid Episode 4 Strength Isn't Everything
- Eon Kid Episode 3 The Journey Begins
- Eon Kid Episode 2 The Heir to the Fist
- Eon Kid Episode 1 The Legendary Fist