The show revolves around the adventures of a family of white lions, consisting of father Larry, the bumbling yet well-intentioned star of Siegfried & Roy's show; Kate, a pretty, stay-at-home mother who is a member of a special women's group; Sierra, their teenage daughter who is constantly annoyed by her family; Hunter, their awkward young son, who is a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings; Sarmoti, Kate's father and Sierra and Hunter's grandfather who has a dislike for Larry; and Snack, Larry's mischievous gopher friend.
Genre; Adult animation, Animated sitcom, Black comedy, Comedy, Off-color humor, Social satire
Language; Cartoon
- F
- Father of the Pride Episode 15 The Lost Tale
- Father of the Pride Episode 14 The Siegfried and Roy Fantasy Experience Movie
- Father of the Pride Episode 13 Stage Fright
- Father of the Pride Episode 12 Rehabilitation
- Father of the Pride Episode 11 Road Trip
- Father of the Pride Episode 10 Possession
- Father of the Pride Episode 9 Donkey
- Father of the Pride Episode 8 One Man's Meat Is Another Man's Girlfriend
- Father of the Pride Episode 7 The Thanksgiving Episode
- Father of the Pride Episode 6 And the Revolution Continues
- Father of the Pride Episode 5 Larry's Debut And Sweet Darryl Hannah Too
- Father of the Pride Episode 4 What's Black, White And Depressed All Over?
- Father of the Pride Episode 3 Catnip And Trust
- Father of the Pride Episode 2 Sarmoti Moves In
- Father of the Pride Episode 1 Original Pilot