Garfield Originals is a 2D French animated series created by Jim Davis and Philippe Vidal. The series was developed with France's Dargaud Media and Ellipsanime and is the third animated series based on the comic s trip Garfield, following Garfield and Friends and The Garfield Show.It is similar to the Garfield Quickies, which appeared in Garfield and Friends, and The Garfield Shorts, a series of short films containing gags. It was first showcased on Dargaud Media and Mediatoon Distribution's website, then officially announced on the official Garfield website.
- G
- Garfield Originals Episode 12 Crouching Cat!
- Garfield Originals Episode 11 Sweet Arlene!
- Garfield Originals Episode 10 This is My Chair!
- Garfield Originals Episode 9 Phobic Mouse!
- Garfield Originals Episode 8 Alarm Clock
- Garfield Originals Episode 7 Cardio Panic
- Garfield Originals Episode 6 Pumpkins and Fungus
- Garfield Originals Episode 5 The Door!
- Garfield Originals Episode 4 Beware of Nermal!
- Garfield Originals Episode 3 At Table
- Garfield Originals Episode 2 insomnia
- Garfield Originals Episode 1 Burps