Hero Factory revolves around the fictional organization of the same name that manufactures robots known as Heroes on a daily basis and train them to capture criminal villains and protect a similarly robotic populace, thereby maintaining order across the galaxy. Each Hero is unique, with their own distinct personalities and equipment, and are arranged into teams. Hero Factory's headquarters are based in a towering skyscraper centred in the fictional Makuhero City on a terraformed asteroid. The series centers on the missions and Heroes of the Alpha 1 Team, the most praised and experienced team at the Hero Factory. Led by veteran Hero Preston Stormer, the team comprises senior members Dunkan Bulk and Jimi Stringer, original rookies and later fully fledged teammates William Furno, Mark Surge and Natalie Breez and new rookies Julius Nex, Nathan Evo and Daniel Rocka. All Heroes refer to each other by their last name.
- H
- Hero Factory Episode 11 Invasion from Below
- Hero Factory Episode 10 Brain Attack
- Hero Factory Episode 9 Breakout - Part Two
- Hero Factory Episode 8 Breakout - Part One
- Hero Factory Episode 6-7 Savage Planet - Part One / Savage Planet - Part Two
- Hero Factory Episode 5 Ordeal of Fire
- Hero Factory Episode 4 Von Nebula
- Hero Factory Episode 3 The Enemy Within
- Hero Factory Episode 2 Core Crisis
- Hero Factory Episode 1 Trials of Furno