Plot Summary: As the relationship between Mahoro, Suguru and his classmates develops further, another android girl enters their lives and becomes attached to Mahoro. All the while, the number of days before Mahoro is to shut down decreases steadily.
Genre; Comedy, Drama, Harem, Psychological, Science Fiction
Language; Dubbed
- M
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 14 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 13 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 12 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 11 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 10 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 9 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 8 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 7 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 6 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 5 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 4 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 3 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 2 English Dubbed
- Mahoromatic 2 Episode 1 English Dubbed