Maryoku Yummy is set in a whimsical world known as Nozomu. It is populated by the Yummy, and small creatures called wishes, the latter from children which are sent here and become granted by Wish Sitters. A trio of Wish Sitters, Maryoku, Ooka and Fij Fij, assists their wishes to become true. So far the only wish not granted, but lives in Nozomu with the Yummy, is a yellow and blue wish by the name of Fudan, who can talk unlike the other wishes.
Genre; Children's television series, Family
Language; -
- M
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 26 Ha! Ha! Hadagi! / Detective Ooka
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 25 Oodles of Yumdoodles / Rules Paradise
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 24 Fij Fij the Almighty / It's a Yumderful Life
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 23 Hats Off to Shika / Maryoku and the Huzzle Beanstalk
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 22 Yumtastic Voyage / Burbleberry Surprise
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 21 So Long, Oolong / Cinderoku
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 20 Build a Better Swingset / Ooka Times Two
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 19 Don't Get Your Blooms in a Twist / Dream a Little Dream
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 18 Ooka's Day Off / Flip, Flop and Float
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 17 Faster Than a Speeding Ooka / Mixing It Up
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 16 Bored Games / Mother of an Invention
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 15 Scatterday / The Golden Flower
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 14 Hiccles / Opposite Day
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 13 All The Colors of the Rainbow / No Rule Like an Old Rule
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 12 The Ninth Wish / The Best, Best Friend
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 11 A Day Without Maryoku / Rise and Shine, Ooka
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 10 The Yorglesclubber / Someone Better
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 9 Promises, Promises / The Muddle Puddle
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 8 Under Pressure / Wishling Rivalry
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 7 Lost and Confound / Doggone Dog
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 6 Wishy Washy / Do You Know the Muffin, Man?
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 5 Fij Fij and the Fib Fib / Now You're Cooking!
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 4 Sound Advice / Stealing Wishes
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 3 Shika's Wish / Ookas Just Wanna Have Fun
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 2 No Left Feet / Ready, Set, Grow!
- Maryoku Yummy Episode 1 Wishless in Nozomu / The Biggest Wish