Based on the famous children's song, "Nellie the Elephant", the series revolves around a pink elephant named Nellie who is returning to her home in Mandalay after escaping from the circus. Throughout the series, she meets new characters and sometimes returns to the same places in her quest to return home, though curiously, all of her travels are within the United Kingdom. Another recurring character is a Dick Dastardly-like Ringmaster keen to recapture Nellie at all costs and return her to the circus, but is continuously foiled by Nellie and her friends.
Genre; Animation, Children's television series, Family
Language; -
- N
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 30 Nellie Goes Time Travelling
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 29 Nellie at the Big Store
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 28 Nellie and the Mystery Tour
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 27 Nellie Takes the Train
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 26 Nellie the Ski Champion
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 25 Nellie Goes to Peanut Junction
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 24 Nellie at the Olympics
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 23 Nellie Goes Apple Picking
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 22 Nellie on an Ocean Cruise
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 21 Nellie Visits a Library
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 20 Nellie Joins the Team
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 19 Nellie and the Brass Band
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 18 Nellie and the Flying Saucer
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 17 Nellie Goes Swimming
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 16 Nellie Goes to the Moon
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 15 Nellie Goes Ballooning
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 14 Nellie Rescues Mrs Maple's Moggy
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 13 Nellie at the Fun Fair
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 12 Nellie and the Park Disco
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 11 Nellie and the Haunted House
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 10 Nellie the Theatre Star
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 9 Nellie and the Jumbo Jet
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 8 Nellie and the Burning Farm
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 7 Nellie and the Whale
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 6 Nellie's Raincoat
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 5 Nellie at the Seaside
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 4 Nellie on a Snowy Day
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 3 Nellie Goes to Sea
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 2 Nellie Visits a Farm
- Nellie the Elephant Episode 1 Nellie and the Ghost