Cartoon series produced by UPA, in which Dick Tracy (voiced by the distinguished film and stage actor Everett Sloane) played more or less of an incidental role. Most of the crime fighting was left to his assistants, all originals created for the series: Hemlock Holmes (an English bulldog who talked like Cary Grant), the calorically challenged beat cop Heap O'Calorie (who talked like Andy Devine), and the offensively (today) stereotyped Latino and Asian characters Go-Go Gomez and Joe Jitsu, respectively. Most of the familiar Tracy villains from the comic strip (Flattop, Mumbles, Pruneface, etc.) were featured here, as well. In addition to Sloane, such talented voice persons and character actors as Benny Rubin, Paul Frees, and Mel Blanc handled much of the voice-work for this series.
- T
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 52 - Tacos Tangle
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 51 - Kidnap Trap
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 50 - Grandma Jitsu
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 49 - The Newspaper Caper
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 48 - The Bearskin Game
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 47 - The Nickle Nabbers
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 46 - The Platterpuss Plot
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 45 - The Ruby Of Hamistan
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 44 - Rock A Bye Guys
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 42 - Gym Jam
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 41 - Baggage Car Bandits
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 40 - The Elephant Caper
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 39 - Cooked Crooks
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 38 - The Hot Ice Bag
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 37 - Stamp Scamp
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 36 - Trickery At Sea
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 35 - Mummy's The Word
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 34 - The Boomerang Ring
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 33 - Tobacco Load
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 32 - Big Bank Bungle
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 31 - Wheeling & Stealing
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 30 - Penny Ante Caper
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 29 - The Brain Game
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 28 - The Flower Plot
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 27 - Flea Ring Circus
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 26 - Funny Money
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 25 - The Onion Ring
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 24 - Escape From Sing Song
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 23 - Lab Grab
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 20 - The Snow Monster
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 19 - The Catnap Caper
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 18 - Rogue's Gallery
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 17 - The Parrot Caper
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 16 - A Boodle Of Loot
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 15 - Stockyard Caper
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 14 - Champ Chumps
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 13 - Phony Pharmers
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 12 - Tanks A Heap
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 11 - Surprised Package
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 10 - The Purple Boy
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 9 - Racer Chaser
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 8 - Gruesome Twosome
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 7 - Cheater Gunsmoke
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 5 - The Oyster Caper
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 4 - Scrambled Yeggs
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 3 - Jewel Fool
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 2 - Pearl Thief Grief
- The Dick Tracy Show Episode 1 - Red Hot Riding Hoods