The third installment of DreamWork's 'Tales of Arcadia' trilogy. Merlin’s apprentice joins Arcadia’s heroes on a time-bending adventure in Camelot, where conflict is brewing between the human, troll and magical worlds.
Genre; Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Science Fantasy
Language; -
- W
- Wizards Tales of Arcadia Episode 10 - Our Final Act
- Wizards Tales of Arcadia Episode 9 - Dragon's Den
- Wizards Tales of Arcadia Episode 8 - Wizard Underground
- Wizards Tales of Arcadia Episode 7 - Killahead, Part Two
- Wizards Tales of Arcadia Episode 6 - Killahead, Part One
- Wizards Tales of Arcadia Episode 5 - Battle Royal
- Wizards Tales of Arcadia Episode 4 - Lady of the Lake
- Wizards Tales of Arcadia Episode 3 - Witch Hunt
- Wizards Tales of Arcadia Episode 2 - History in the Making
- Wizards Tales of Arcadia Episode 1 - Spellbound