Episode Title:
Return to Omashu.
Episode Description:
Omashu has been captured by the Fire Nation. Aang and friends sneak in and are nearly captured, but Sokka fakes a deadly illness (pentapox) to scare off the guards. They meet a resistance movement, and help the city's entire population escape by faking an epidemic. The Fire Nation Governor's toddler son Tom-Tom accidentally leaves with the citizens. Aang attempts to trade him for King Bumi, but Princess Azula, calls off the trade; she is now backed up by her friends Mai and Ty Lee, recently re-recruited because each is a skilled fighter. Aang manages to rescue Bumi after a fight with Azula, but Bumi allows himself to be recaptured, saying that the proper time for his escape has not arrived and that he will wait out his capture a little longer so as to catch the Fire Nation unawares at the most beneficial moment. He instructs Aang to find an earthbending teacher who "waits and listens before striking".