Episode Title:
No Guts No Glory.Episode Description:
The brawlers have settled down to eat dinner but no one except Dan seems to have an appetite as they are concerned about Julie who returned home depressed after the battle. The next day the brawlers are searching for another entrance to Vestroia without any luck. Dan suggests they go visit Julie but Alice says she probably needs to be alone right now, before the discussion can continue Shun contacts Dan saying that he has discovered another region with physical similarities as Bakugan Valley suggesting they go there to look for a door to Vestroia. Dan and the others agree to this plan and cut off communication. While Shun and Skyress wait, Skyress looks at the two maps Shun has on the computer and comments how the two valley's look nothing alike, asking herself what Shun is up to. When the brawlers return to the plane they are greeted by Julie, who has perked up and decided to move on from being depressed. With Julie joining them the brawlers take off for the other valley. While on their way there the brawlers comment on how Masquerade and his team keep showing up wherever they go and Shun states that someone must be spying for him. When Dan accuses Shun of saying that one of the brawlers is the spy, Shun denies that by saying there is one other person who knows the brawlers every move, that person being Webmaster Joe. The brawlers consider this a possibility and Skyress states that this must be the reason why Shun lied about the valley that they were heading to. The brawlers realize that if Masquerade's team is at the valley then Webmaster Joe is most likely involved with him. Once they arrive they're greeted by Chan Lee and a battle between her and Dan begins. Dan and Drago test their luck as they take out two of Chan's bakugan only for the tides to turn when Chan revives them and Dan is left with only Drago. Things go from bad to worse as Chan's bakugan has a much stronger power-level than Drago just as Chan goes in for the killing blow, Drago turns around and takes Chan's bakugan out with both Dan and Chan learning that Drago's power level increased without Dan using an ability card...