Episode Title:
Play Nice, Runo!.Episode Description:
The Battle Brawlers are dispersed into separate worlds created by the Six Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia. Julie, Marucho and Shun pass their test. Now it is time for Runo to pass her test. The Haos Legendary Soldier, Lars Lion, creates a mystical woodland area. Tigrerra and Runo find themselves wondering in a forest full of mist. Runo pleads and wishes that Dan would be here to guide them. Suddenly, a shadowy figure appears. Runo then has a flashback of when she was small with Dan. Then Lars Lion transforms into an old lady and awaits for Runo in a cave. Wondering where they are, the duo stumbles into an old lady. The lady suggests some directions, but Runo is creeped out by her looks and ponders deeper into the woods...