Black Butler II Episode 12 English Dubbed
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Episode Title:
Black Butler.Episode Description:
Sebastian and Claude row a boat to a remote island, while Hannah holds Ciel's body. Sebastian and Claude are to duel as demons in a grudge match to see which one will have the right to claim Ciel's soul. After having removed the demon sword from her body, Hannah places it on the ceiling in a cave, thus beginning the duel. Neither butler manages to make a fatal blow during the battle, after passing the sword back and forth it appears to be a stalemate. Sebastian uses the sword to split the island in half creating a large fissure in the ground. In limbo, Ciel says Alois would never understand what motivates Sebastian to fight. Claude loses his balance after landing on a rock that gives way under him, and Sebastian plunges the demon sword through Claude's body. Sebastian comments that Claude failed to realize that Alois has been playing with him all along. Claude then replies that Alois was able to make his long life interesting, and consequently Alois's soul was more precious than he thought. Alois concedes to Ciel and apologizes for what he has done before he fades away. Hannah sheds tears of joy and reveals that the contract Alois made with her was for Claude to acknowledge him. Hannah falls into the ocean below with Ciel in her arms, urging Sebastian to dive in and reach Ciel, only to kill him just as he awakens. Meanwhile, Hannah relocates herself back on the island lying down with Claude's body, reuniting them with Alois and Luka altogether again. Some time later, Ciel awakens in bed with Sebastian preparing him "New Moon Drop" tea; however, it's shown that he's only going through the motions, as the teapot and cups are empty. Ciel sends farewell gifts to everyone he knew, dismisses his servants leaving them in charge of the mansion, and leaves with Sebastian. It is revealed that as a condition of Alois's wish being fulfilled, Alois asked that Hannah makes Ciel's soul unattainable by either Sebastain or Claude. She did this by causing Ciel to be reborn as a demon. As a result, Sebastian can not consume Ciel's soul, yet is still bound by their contract. Sebastian later carries Ciel through a field of black and white roses towards a cliff. Ciel says that he's forever blessed to have Sebastian as his butler, as Sebastian responds that he is forever bound to serve "a fellow fiend of Hell". Ciel remarks that the butler has but one answer to give. Sebastian affirms his service to his master while jumping with him from the cliff into the depths of the underworld.