Episode Title:
If It's Doomsday, This Must Be Belfast.Episode Description:
The Planeteers go on separate missions across the world to prevent the detonation of three separate nuclear bombs in three major conflict zones between warring factions. Verminous Skumm and Duke Nukem are behind the plot of inciting hatred to get people into nuking each other. The main story sees Wheeler arrive in Northern Ireland where the conflict is between the Protestants and the Catholics. Kwame and Linka travel to South Africa where the blacks and whites are raging battles. Gi and Ma-Ti travel to Israel where tensions are high between Palestinians and Jews. The episode's portions set in Belfast have become a popular viral internet meme; its wildly inaccurate accents and depictions of the Troubles have been met with large degrees of mirth from Northern Ireland inhabitants, when originally released in the US it was viewed by the Northern Ireland government and banned from release in the third season run in Northern Ireland.