Episode Title:
The Remote Control Collection/The Super Blue Moon SleepoverEpisode Description:
The Remote Control Collection: At a picnic, Forrest continually disrupts activities out of hyperactivity. After this leads to Forrest destroying a buggy Sheldon built, Sheldon and Carl admonish him, warning that he will have to leave the picnic if he cannot wait his turn. Initially, his attempts at using coping strategies suggested by his friends fail, discouraging Forrest. Just as Forrest is about to leave, Carl suggests the following coping strategy: whenever Forrest wants to do something, he can pause and consider the consequences of doing the action in haste, motivating him to wait. This strategy works, allowing Forrest to safely drive the newly repaired buggy.The Super Blue Moon Sleepover: Carl has planned a sleepover in his tree fort for his friends to watch a super blue moon, a rare occurrence of a blue moon and a supermoon on the same night. Because of the event's rarity, Carl's has schedule each activity to be followed rigidly, and he becomes increasingly agitated when the events of the day frequently differ from the schedule. After the friends decide to make friendship bracelets instead of Carl's planned trivia game, Carl retreats to his room out of anger. Maude consoles him and suggests that he either choose to miss the super blue moon or participate in the sleepover regardless of how his plan goes. Carl chooses the latter and watches the rise of the super blue moon with his friends.