Episode Title:
Countdown to Tokyo's Annihilation
Episode Description:
As the countdown runs, a massive surge of energy descends from the real world, reviving Orochimon, who digivolves into Nidhoggmon. Izzy concludes that Nidhoggmon was the one responsible for the blackouts in Tokyo, absorbing the city's energy and fears that when the countdown reaches zero, all of the accumulated energy will be liberated, destroying it. Despite being exhausted from the last fight, Tai and Matt confront the enemy by themselves until feathers fall to the sky for T.K. and Kari, and both Greymon and Garurumon merge into Omnimon once more. Omnimon destroys Nidhoggmon along with the digital Tokyo, stopping the countdown and restoring power to the real one. Kari reunites with her mother when suddenly the countdown resumes due to Nidhoggmon's master's intervention. When it reaches zero, a portal opens and carries the group away, except for Tai and Matt who are protected by Omnimon. After the portal closes, the two are briefly confronted by Devimon, who makes contact with them from a distance and the two decide to look for the others.