Episode Title:
The Perfect Survival Tactic! Universe 3's Menacing Assassin!!.Episode Description:
Following the Fourth Universe's elimination, the Third Universe's remaining fighters commence their offensive against the Seventh Universe team as Dr. Paparoni (パパロニ, Paparoni) sends Pancéa, Koitsukai, Borareta, and Biarra to attack the Saiyans. But the Androids intervene and deal with Biarra while Gohan faces the other robots so Goku and Vegeta can save their energy for the Eleventh Universe fighters. But when Biarra is eliminated, Paparoni receives orders from his universe's deities Supreme Kai Eyre and Destroyer Mule to have Pancéa, Koitsukai, and Borareta combine into stronger robot called Koiceareta (コイチアレータ, Koichiarēta). Koiceareta overpowers Gohan until Goku and Vegeta step in, distracting the robot while Gohan charges and strikes with an attack powerful enough to defeat it. With Koiceareta defeated, Paparoni refuses to surrender while declaring to unleash his universe's ultimate technique.