Haunted Junction Episode 1 English Subbed
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Episode Title:
Three Members, Seven Spirits.Episode Description:
Under the Orders of the Chairman Haruto, Kazumi and Mutsuki search the school to find the seven school spirits and obtain the pin that each has. First up, they encounter the mirror girl, who wants to play with Haruto. Second they meet two very unusual goofball ghosts in the science room. Next they head to the Gym where they encounter the dancing giant, whom is so large we can only see his feet. Red Mantle haunts the girls bathroom, wowing girls with his amazing charm. Of course Mutsuki is unaffected by the charm because she only likes boy under 12. This allows her to easily snatch Red Mantles pin. Toilet Hanako, the ghost of the boys bathroom and the object of Kazumi affection, gives Haruto and Kazumi her pin... And more. The next ghost they meet is Nino, a ghost that couldnt be any older than 12... Mutsuki embarrasses the hell out of poor Nino because well he's just the age for here. Now that the three have found the first six ghosts where is the seventh? Apparently the Chairman had t