Episode Title:
Yumi Saves Kaz - Rock n' Roe - Scowlitis.Episode Description:
Yumi Saves Kaz: After a freak doughnut sign accident, Yumi saves Kaz from being squished. Kaz is so grateful to Yumi that he starts doing favors for her. Rock n' Roe: The trio run out of food, so Kaz goes to a fancy restaurant and drops the girls at a seafood place called the Sushi Shack. Ami and Yumi try the food - which is cheap sushi - and they like it so much that they "polish off the entire meal", causing them to suffer strange nightmares.
Scowlitis: After a doctor's checkup, Yumi finds that she has scowlitis, an epidemic where a person scowls excessively. Yumi is forced to wear a huge head brace with a smile, literally.