Episode Title:
Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times.
Episode Description:
Speedwagon takes Santana to the Speedwagon Foundation in Washington, D.C. Santana is still alive, but Speedwagon's scientists keep him dormant by the use of ultraviolet light. In Rome, Joseph and Speedwagon meet Will Zeppeli's grandson, Caesar. Both Joseph and Caesar express a dislike towards each other as they test each other’s Hamon abilities. Caesar then makes arrangements for Joseph and Speedwagon to be taken to the Colosseum where the Pillar Men are being kept. One of the Pillar Men, Wamuu, breaks free, killing a group of German soldiers and awakening his masters, Kars and Esidisi. As they leave, Wamuu accidentally bumps into Caesar's friend Mark, destroying half of his body. Caesar is forced to use his Hamon to peacefully end Mark's suffering and vows vengeance against the Pillar Men.