
Jurassic World: Chaos Theory Season 2 Episode 2 The Marooned Five


Episode Title:
The Marooned Five
Episode Description:
On the mainland, teenager Zayna Mballo and her mother Aminata Mballo work on their family farm until Zayna leaves to feed her pet Gallimimus Geba. The Nublar Six reach land and leave the lifeboat only to discover that dinosaurs are in Africa, despite having previously only been found in North America. While Ben heads off to try and get a signal on Brooklynn's phone, Darius and Kenji hide the case of eggs and lead a herd of Stegosauruses away from the Mballo farm while Sammy and Yaz greet Aminita and learn they are in Senegal. Zayna runs into Darius and Kenji who together return to the farm to find a Suchomimus that was kept away by the Stegosauruses until Darius and Kenji moved them...

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