
Kekkaishi episode 34 English Subbed


Episode Title:
Call of Darkness.
Episode Description:
Aihi is told by Byaku to find a way to prolong Princess's life. She is then asked by Kaguro about her guise as a human, as she explains it is habitual since she had been forced and confined by a master to remain as a human, as she studying their way of life. Yoshimori, aside from his doubts about his older brother, decides to put all his trust in Gen. Later that day, Gen finds Kaguro, soon being overpowered. Kaguro gives him a purple egg, one that would be his servant when it hatches. At night, Yoshimori, Tokine, and Gen face an ayakashi named Bell Ringer, one that uses bells to create unbearable sounds waves. The kekkaishi try to hold up barriers, but they are easily shattered. They manage to destroy the bells and expel Bell Ringer, but Gen was distracted by the memory of hurting her sister. As the egg gets closer to hatching, it tries to lead him not to trust in humans. Elsewhere, Aihi suggests to Byaku that Princess should be taken to the site to prevent her from deteriorating.

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