Episode Title:
Two Truths and a Bunny
Episode Description:
When Liz K. (one of the members of Candle's "Abra" group) gets droop-tail, Kiff and Barry both take their place in a slumber party in order to find out why Candle calls her group "Abra". At the sleepover, the group plays Two Truths and a Lie, which Barry isn't good at because of his inability to lie. Since Candle can't trust Kiff and Barry to keep the secret about why the group is called the "Abras", Barry seeks advice from his sister, Terri, on how to lie. However, the Abras don't find Barry's lies exciting enough, not even when he reveals that one of the group members, seemingly named "Kennedy", is actually named "Kim". Kiff and Barry later deduce that the group was named after the candelabra (since the first part of the word is Candle's name) before leaving.