Episode Title:
Guardians of the Crimson Demon Village
Episode Description:
Finally fed up with everybody calling the cat Megumin, Megumin follows Yunyun's suggestion and gives it the name "Ink". With the adults out to deal with a mysterious urge in monster activity, the students are left to do free study in the library. Bukkorori teleports into the library, having finally escaped from the pit trap and enlists Megumin and Yunyun's aid in helping him get closer to Soketto. Megumin comes up with the idea of her and Yunyun ambushing Soketto in the forest, with Bukkorori coming to her rescue. However, Bukkorori botches the plan when he is caught by Soketto. A large pack of One-Punch Bears then attacks, and Bukkorori uses an Inferno spell to destroy them, but accidentally hits Soketto with the spell as well. Soketto agrees to perform a fortune reading for Bukkorori, but when asks who his future lover will be, the fortune reading turns up nothing. Heartbroken, Bukkorori flees, but Megumin and Yunyun do pick up that Soketto doesn't necessarily hate Bukkorori. Back at school, Megumin and Yunyun briefly talk about the possibility of Megumin finding a romantic partner before walking home together.