Episode Title:
I Came to the Village!
Episode Description:
Sarasa realises the overgrown garden is actually a herb field containing valuable plants, and despite needing repairs the store still contains the former owners equipment. Sarasa visits the general store where she meets the store owner Darna's daughter, Lorea, and Mrs Elles, Sarasa’s new neighbour. Mrs Elles shows her the village where they meet Geberk the carpenter, Gizdo the blacksmith, the Mayor, tavern owner Delal and other villagers. Sarasa struggles to socialise and becomes despondent when drunken villagers play a prank on her. Ophelia visits the next day to give Sarasa a sword since certain ingredients can only be harvested by slaying monsters and insists she train with the sword every day. She also provides a teleportation circle so she and Sarasa can teleport supplies back and forth. After Ophelia leaves Sarasa struggles with feelings of loneliness. Soon after the villagers rally together to provide everything Sarasa still needs and begin repairing the shop, including the apologetic drunks who were thoroughly lectured by Lorea following their prank. Sarasa decides she needs a sales assistant so Lorea volunteers for the job and Sarasa finally opens her store for business. Immediately, Sarasa has an emergency when a young woman is brought to her store with her arm cut off.