Episode Title:
Mash Burnedead and the Magic of Iron
Episode Description:
Silva wagers that if Dot survives ten hits from his Iron Magic he will leave Lauren alone. Dot somehow withstands all ten but Lauren reveals she was Silva’s partner all along. Mash steps in to take on the ten hit challenge and avenge his ruined cream puff. Silva obliges but Mash crushes his iron into powder and delivers two devastating punches to Silva, then calmly informs Silva under the ten hits rule he will punch him a further eight times. Silva panics until a forest scorpion appears he hopes will kill Mash, but he simply swats it away. Silva surrenders so Lauren attempts a final seduction, but Mash gives her a bridging German suplex into the floor. Dot grudgingly thanks Mash then resumes their one-sided rivalry. Lance tells Mash about Lang’s secret leaders, Magia Lupus, seven noble students obsessed with stealing coins to prevent commoners getting government jobs or becoming Divine Visionaries. With a coin from Silva and two from the scorpion Mash’s five silvers merge into one gold, so Lance advises him to avoid Lang. Abel, leader of Magia Lupus, punishes Silva by turning him into a doll. Mash, failing to heed Lance’s warning, blunders right into Magia Lupus headquarters and bluntly asks why Abel is talking to a doll.