Mayoiga Episode 9 English Subbed
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Episode Title:
Hyoketsu in the Moonlight.Episode Description:
After being stopped by Valkana, Hyoketsu mentions a man who rescued him and told him to attack anyone approaching the tunnel, before being shot by an arrow himself. Meanwhile, the bus driver decides to try driving through the tunnel to find his daughter again, over Masaki's objections. The bus driver abruptly vanishes after seeing what appears to be his daughter on the bus. Masaki, Hayato and Mitsumune all find themselves in a similar but different village as Masaki finds a message that Reiji left awhile ago. After Masaki excuses herself, Hayato tells Mitsumune about his past, how he was abused by his parents for even the slightest deviation from their plans for him. He found escape in transferring his emotional abuse to Mitsumune, and begs him to continue their relationship, but Mitsumune refuses and runs away. Mitsumune runs into Valkana and the two encounter their own monsters, but Mitsumune's monster appears a lot smaller than before as he chases it over a cliff. Nanko tries to have Maimai test her theory about coming to terms with their respective pasts, when Jack appears and attacks the women, only to be blindsided by a different boy. Later, Mitsumune awakens in an unfamiliar room.