Episode Title:
A Family Quarrel (Fight between mom and dad) / Tsubame The Ninja Girl (Hattori has a Guest) / Get Lost, Tsubame (Tsubame goes back home).Episode Description:
A Family Quarrel (Fight between mom and dad): As Kentaru and Ama argue on silly topics, Kenichi, Hattori, Shinzo and Shishimaru try all possible ways and bring them together. Tsubame The Ninja Girl (Hattori has a Guest): A ninja girl named Sonam comes to Kenichi's house. Sonam pampers Hattori and does all the housework.
Get Lost, Tsubame (Tsubame goes back home): Kenichi plans to trouble Sonam so that she leaves his house. After knowing about Kenichi's plans, she goes away.