Episode Title:
Kenichi Sir Is A Good Class Officer (Truth and Honesty Always Wins) / The Ninja Pilotage (Bad Talks Always Leads to Bad Deeds) / Mama Loves Telephone (Children are Smarter Sometimes).Episode Description:
Kenichi Sir Is A Good Class Officer (Truth and Honesty Always Wins): Kemumaki changes his voice and speaks to Ama and Yumeko. So, Hattori makes Kemumaki confess the truth to Yumeko. The Ninja Pilotage (Bad Talks Always Leads to Bad Deeds): Kenichi's flies a remote control helicopter. Kemumaki tries to create a rift between Yumeko and Kenichi. But Hattori makes Kemumaki confess the truth.
Mama Loves Telephone (Children are Smarter Sometimes): As Mama spends more time talking to Sunidhi, Hattori makes her and Sunidhi realize that mothers should pay attention to their children.