One Piece Episode 573 English Dubbed
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Episode Title:
Finally Time to Go! Goodbye, Fish-Man Island!.Episode Description:
The mermaids and Keimi from the Mermaid Cafe ask Sharley if they can say farewell to the Straw Hats. Sharley says that her prediction that Luffy will destroy Fishman Island might not happen after all since they defeated Hordy and the New Fishman Pirates. However, Keimi fears that Madam Sharley still believes that Luffy will destroy the Fishman Island because she knows that her predictions are always right. Shirahoshi meanwhile is crying and asking the Straw Hats to not go. While Minister of the Right talks to Neptune about mentioning the exploding tamate box to the Straw Hats, Neptune points out that Usopp, Brook, and Chopper complain that they are going to die in the New World and that they shouldn't tell them more bad news, later having optimistic ideas about how Big Mom might not open it herself or that the explosives might not explode. The Minister of the Left gives Nami a new Log Pose with three needles so they can get to the islands in the New World. He explains that the new log pose takes in the magnetic waves of 3 surrounding islands and that the needle that moves the most is the direction of the most dangerous island. After hearing that, Nami, Chopper, and Usopp tell the Minister of the left to keep it down so Luffy doesn't hear, which he evidently does. He then grabs onto Nami wanting to see the new Log Pose and says to go in the direction of the needle that moves the most, stating, "that's where the party is". Nami insists that she will tell the crew where to go. However, Luffy states that he should decide where they should go, as he is the captain. Franky gets a new haircut and they start to leave but Shirahoshi comes and ask them to pinky promise to come back and they did. The Straw Hats and the fishmen go their separate ways and Luffy remembers the times when Shanks, Rayleigh, Jimbei, and Ace told him something important. The Straw Hats then comment about what they will do once they are in the New World.