Episode Title:
The Power of Satiety! A New Gear Four Form - Tank Man!.Episode Description:
Luffy is full to bursting from eating all of Cracker's biscuit creations for several hours, but refuses to give up, causing an enraged Cracker to attack him directly. However, Luffy activates another form of Gear Fourth known as Tankman: Full Version. Cracker is unable to penetrate Luffy and is instead sucked into his inflated body, getting shot out at high velocity and flying all the way into Sweet City. His unconscious body is discovered by his siblings, who put Sweet City into a state of emergency. Despite Luffy's victory, Pound and King Baum warn him that Big Mom will retaliate with even greater force. Meanwhile, Chopper and Carrot finally discover Sanji through a mirror and learn where he is going, but they are caught by Brûlée. The Vinsmoke Family heads out to meet Big Mom at the Whole Cake Chateau, and Sanji thinks about his crew as he reaches the point of no return.