Episode Title:
The Dominator of the UniverseEpisode Description:
Geryuganshoop complains about Groribas' defeat as he and Melzargard are the only elite fighters left alive. He also informs Boros that the ship is badly damaged by the human intruder but Lord Boros tells him not to fear as the sphere keeping them safe won't allow that to happen. Meanwhile, Puri Puri Prisoner's efforts turn out to be futile as Melzargard simply regenerates back into his original form. Melzargard tells one of his heads to go and contact the ship for a bombardment. As the head tries to fly away, Metal Bat smashes it down. Melzargard and Geryuganshoop telepathically tell each other that both sides are dealing with big trouble as Saitama reaches another door. Atomic Samurai, Puri Puri Prisoner and Bang join forces and attack Melzargard together. Melzargard and Geryuganshoop speak telepathically saying the life forms below are persistently attacking him and requests for a cleansing bombardment. Geryuganshoop is too busy but notifies the artillery crew. Geryuganshoop leaves the conversation, but while Melzargard is distracted, Metal Bat finds a marble within one of Melzargard’s heads and destroys it, which in turn destroys the head before it could regenerate. Geryuganshoop tries to lead Saitama out of the ship, but Saitama goes in the opposite direction to find the control room...