
Overman King Gainer Episode 12 English Dubbed


Episode Title:
An Attack Over Enormous Stone Columns.
Episode Description:
When Exodus to Japan is finally halfway through, Gein and the others discover the legendary town said to have been created by the first generation Miya long ago. At the place where the megaliths are lined up, Asham, who is obsessed with arresting Gein, is waiting. The city of Miya, where relentless Asham attacks unfold. In the meantime, the legendary wandering Obermann Brünnhilde wakes up to protect the city. Gain, Gainer, and Asham are at the mercy of Brünnhilde's powerful black hole attack. It turns out that the only thing that can compete is Brünnhilde's arm attached to the left arm of Gachiko, Gein's beloved machine...

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