Phantom: Requiem of Phantom Episode 7 English Subbed
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Episode Title:
The Past.Episode Description:
Ein leaves Zwei to meet Scythe Master, and Zwei decides to practice his driving while she is gone. However, McCunnen appears and begins to move in on Zwei, to which Scythe Master warns Ein not to let the infatuated McCunnen steal Zwei away. Ein is not worried as she believes Zwei is not necessary for the mission; Scythe Master agrees that their pairing was completely random, which is later found out to be false. Meanwhile, Ms. McCunnen starts to form her own plans within Inferno. Later on in the day, Ein has a dream about her past, where she first met the Zwei's original self who witnesses an assassination of an Inferno targeted reporter who had information on the dark organisation. The reporter was shot by Ein after giving the information to a clueless Zwei. Zwei seeing the horror flees from the scene. A scene is shown of Zwei hiding under a cloak, a can is heard falling (identical to that of the time Zwei assassinated the mother and child) and the same strange dog from the previous episodes appears. If watched closely the dog is actually transparent as the building in the back can be seen through it. After fleeing for days, Zwei is caught by Ein and Scythe Master, who seems interested in his innate ability to survive. Ein wakes Zwei up and Zwei asks Ein whether she has had any dreams about her past like him, (some may think the previous dream was Zwei's but that was actually Ein's memory), referring to the dream he had in the first episode. Ein replies that she has. However, she is apathetic and uninterested in finding out her past. Later on, the two are asked to back up a Phantom operation that consists of stealing 500 kilograms of cocaine. Right as they are about to head out, Zwei is asked to switch jobs and protect Ms. McCunnen in Lizzie's place instead. Though hesitant at first, Ein insists that Zwei follow Ms. McCunnen's orders, so Zwei agrees. Meanwhile Ms. McCunnen's plans to get rid of Scythe Master are revealed.