Episode Title:
Candace Against the Universe
Episode Description:
Candace Flynn's day of optimism is ruined when she fails to tell her mother about the antics of her brothers Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher, who spend their time making crazy inventions. Candace airs her grievances to her friend Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, and as they talk, a space pod appears and kidnaps them. Phineas and Ferb identify the license plate on the pod and learn that it came from the planet Feebla-Oot in the Vroblok Cluster. With this knowledge, they recruit their friends Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, Baljeet Tjinder, and Buford van Stomm to help them build a portal to the planet. However, the portal redirects them to Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc., where they join forces with Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz. Anticipating that the portal would not work, Doofenshmirtz had built a spaceship – which he dubs a "Galactic Travel Inator". He and the children travel to Feebla-Oot, with Perry the Platypus secretly following them.