
PJ Masks Season 2 Episode 10 - Robot's Pet Cat / Gekko, Master of the Deep


Episode Title:
Robot's Pet Cat / Gekko, Master of the Deep.
Episode Description:
Robot's Pet Cat: At day time, the kids noticed a blue-collar which makes this curious if it either belongs to a dog or a cat. Then, they found out that the collar had written the word ‘Catboy’ on it. At night, Catboy hears a cat's meow which turns out to be a recorder and got transformed into a real cat thanks to Romeo's machine and plans to turn everyone into animals for his zoo and take over the world. When Robot realizes that Romeo's plan has gone too far, he turned on his master and tries to crush his machine and protect kitty Catboy from turning back to standard only for him and Romeo to be thwarted thanks to Gekko, Owlette and kitty Catboy.
Gekko, Master of the Deep: Connor was playing with Greg's Toy Submarine until it got pulled underwater. At night, Romeo and Robot were the ones who stole all the mineral objects thanks to Robot's complicated robotic branches and named it Robotopus. Lamentably, Gekko becomes scared to go after Romeo and Robot inside the dark cave which makes the mission harder.

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