Episode Title:
Arceus and the Jewel of Life.
Episode Description:
Thousands of years ago, Arceus came to Earth to retrieve the "Jewel of Life" that it had loaned to a man named Damos. Damos however betrayed Arceus and attacked it with a large army of Pokémon. After presumably killing Damos in its counterattack, Arceus went to sleep, vowing to judge all humans when it next returns.Ash and his friends reach Michina Town. As they play in the river, three watermelons float towards them. A boy named Kato and a girl named Kiko claim them. A battle is fought. Taking on Kato and Kiko's Heracross and Beautifly, Ash and Dawn use Pikachu and Piplup. Ash and Dawn win, but decide to share the watermelons. Kato and Kiko recommend that they visit Michina's famous ruins...