Episode Title:
Training Battle of Flames! Satoshi VS Shinji!
Episode Description:
Satoshi and Go make their way to Professor Okido's lab and reunite with Satoshi's Pokémon from his past journeys. In a forest nearby, Satoshi and Shinji become reacquainted for the first time since their battle in the Sinnoh League. While all the Pokémon are elsewhere to train, Satoshi challenges Shinji to a battle, which Shinji accepts, declaring that it will be a three-on-three with no switching. Satoshi starts off the battle by sending out Lucario first, while Shinji sends out his Gyarados. Gyarados initially gets the upper hand on Lucario, but it gets taken out by Lucario's newly learned Bullet Punch. The next match up is between Satoshi's Kairyu and Shinji's Gaburias, with Kairyu eventually being knocked out. In the last battle, Gangar goes up against Shinji's Metagross. After taking a beating, Gangar uses its new Will-O-Wisp attack along with a Shadow Ball to defeat Metagross. Satoshi wins the battle, having earned two out of three wins. After Shinji leaves, it is revealed that Shinji had received an offer to become a Gym Leader, which is why he came to learn more about Pokémon from Professor Okido. With more confidence, Satoshi is eager to head to Galar for the Masters Tournament.