Episode Title:
Switching Sides
Episode Description:
Unable to gain any information from Squillia's mind about Zedd's plans (as instead of paying attention she was thinking of designer sunglasses), the team turn their attention to a plan from Lani: she believes that destroying the Triceratops Statue will break his corrupted link to the Morphin Grid and turn him good again. Aiyon returns to his cafe to close up, and stumbles upon Slyther and Mucus in human form (through magic and a permanent wish charm respectively). He learns that they quit evil to become Circus Performers until Zedd's invasion interrupted them. Realizing they are now good, Aiyon takes them to the Resistance Base with a plan: they pretend to still be evil, infiltrate Zedd's base and destroy the statue. Mucus being stuck in human form causes problems when she and Slyther don't want to be separated, so Zayto uses his magic to break the wish charm and turn her into her old form...