Episode Title:
Beasts of the Wilderness / A Mysterious Desert
Episode Description:
Beasts of the Wilderness: Accompanying the Order of the Underworld in the desert, Bojji and Kage collect firewood, where Kage startles Bojji with his impression of a cactus. They then return to the camp with the firewood they found and learn from the Captain that the two soldiers they spotted were on the lookout for wild beasts in the area. Kage was confident that Bojji could hold his ground against a wild beast, and Bojji agreed...
A Mysterious Desert: Time passes by since Bojji and Kage rounded up the robbers, and they, along with the Order of the Underworld, continued their journey to Bosse Kingdom. Amid this, they're all caught in a massive sandstorm, which, after it settles, they find a small oasis and use it as a resting spot. Also residing there were creatures that Kage and Bojji once encountered when they met the Mad King. Despite the Captain's warning about them, everyone else acted affectionately toward the creatures...