School Rumble Episode 17 English Dubbed
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Episode Title:
Mid-Summer Giraffe's Night Out! End of Summer Panic Party! Summer's Over–Back to School!.Episode Description:
Itoko is taking care of a giraffe, and using the school gym to keep it. Yakumo feeds it a cabbage and, later, offers herself to take it for a walk later that night. The giraffe, which remembers itself as being called Pyotr, is touched with Yakumo's sympathy, but soon runs away from her, remembering its master and feeling abandoned by him. Before the new school term starts, Itoko convinces Harima to take his animals to the Yagami Shrine, despite the high risk of them being discovered there. The new school term starts. Tenma is eager to meet Karasuma again, hoping that he had not changed anything since they last met (because she had noticed how Karen changed her looks because of someone - possibly Imadori). When Karasuma comes, Tenma notices he is sporting a mustache, and tries to see it in an optimistic way, prompting her to mumble that mustaches are beautiful while asleep on her desk, which does not escape the notice of Harima, wide awake and next to her. As Harima tries to get closer to Tenma, Karasuma takes off his mustache, a fake.