Episode Title:
Ghosts.Episode Description:
When Jared's photo of the Warden reveals ghosts haunting Superjail, the Warden scoffs. But after some nightmares and a poltergeist kidnapping, the Warden becomes a believer. They visit Superjail's Doctor, who temporarily kills the Warden in order to send his spirit to the "other side" so that he can determine what's going on. He meets Quetzalpocetlan (voiced by John Waters), a 1,000-year-old Aztec-like priest (nicknamed "Chet") who used to run Superjail back when it was a temple where innumerable beheadings occurred. "Chet" is stuck between worlds, bottling up the spirits. An attempt to revive the Warden unleashes thousands of ghosts in Superjail, who wreak havoc. After killing himself trying to revive the Warden, Jared ends up in the spirit realm. He loses his cool, and knocks "Chet" loose. After a brief sojourn in a Buddhist-like paradise, the Warden and Jared are revived and returned to Superjail.