Episode Title:
The Cool and the Nerd!.Episode Description:
Ben tries to apologise to Ginger for choosing Darren over him by designing a hoverboard and getting Tom's friend Will Zee to autograph it. As Will is too cool to a cell phone any more, Tom and the gang make an Internet video involving dolphins, a car, and a catchy tune. Zee arrives and signs Ginger's hoverboard and Ginger accepts the apology, however, the gang notice that Zee's speech is incomprehensible. Dr. Internet Doctor assesses that Zee is too cool and needs to make his inner nerd show. Looking to their most nerdiest friend Ben, they start acting nerdy so that Zee doesn't get sucked into a portal to the world of cool-ness and be lost forever. Tom eventually uses the Pajama Pals theme song the two had sung in camp, and Zee is returned to normal.