Episode Title:
Cat / Taste / Portrait / Fortune Telling / Critical Hit.
Episode Description:
Cat: Nishikata tries to pet a cat until Takagi's calls distract him. While she is petting another one, she tricks him into admitting his desire to do the same thing. However, the cat runs off.
Taste: While seemingly having a conversation about boys, Yukari eventually realizes Mina and Sanae are actually talking about their favorite dog characteristics.
Portrait: In art class, Takagi and Nishikata are tasked with painting portraits of each other. Nishikata tries to draw an demonized image of Takagi, but he feels guilty about it. She then shows him hers, which he incredulously questions.
Fortune Telling: Takagi has her fortune told via tarot when Nishikata walks by for room cleanup. She then challenges him to rock-paper-scissors, which he unexpectedly wins. Takagi later tells him the fortunes regarding their crushes and the game.
Critical Hit: After getting a positive outlook for his horoscope and blood type, a confident Nishikata arrives in class. Later that day, when Takagi asks him why did he turn down an invitation from his friends, Nishikata says he wanted to walk home with her. Realizing what he said, he runs away, unaware that Takagi has finally blushed and conceded defeat.