Episode Title:
Tandem Riding / First Day of Summer Vacation / Test of Courage / Summer Science Project / Water Tap.
Episode Description:
Tandem Riding: After seeing their classmates Mano and Nakai riding a bike together, Takagi suggests doing the same with Nishikata, which he reluctantly agrees. When they begin practicing, Takagi agitates Nishikata. Upon failing, he gets her a can of juice but does not have enough money for himself, prompting Takagi to buy one for him.
First Day of Summer Vacation: At Yukari's
Test of Courage: Unable to practice tandem, Takagi challenges Nishikata to a test of courage. Inside a tunnel, Takagi begins to play pranks on Nishikata. At home, Nishikata continues his workouts.
Summer Science Project: While walking and eating popsicles, Mina and Sanae tell an annoyed Yukari that she will help them with their assignments due to her being the class president.
Water Tap: Nishikata finds Takagi and follows her around before she hides in a bush, where she pops out and scares him. When a cicada surprises her enough to stumble, Nishikata scrapes his knee trying to catch her. The two go to a faucet to clean his wound, while Takagi gives him her handkerchief to wrap it.