Episode Title:
Finders Keepers / The Queen's Quest.Episode Description:
Finders Keepers: Grumpy's pet goat Giselle and the Glooms' pet warthog Peaches are drawn from their pens to the campsite of Sid the Troll, where they eat Sid's bug pudding. Sid sends the two to Lost Acres, where they are captured by another troll. Grumpy and Grim team up to search for their pets at the Lost Acres, but they must face Sid's twin brother Finders Keeper, who has a large collection of lost items. Grumpy and Grim must compete on Keeper's game show. The Queen's Quest: After Hildy disguises herself as the Magic Mirror and sends the queen away on a dangerous quest, the 7D must go after her and bring her back to the throne.